Grow, Nurture, Manage and Leverage.
Demystifying the Elements of Networking. The veracity of the statement, “Your network is more valuable than your net worth” resonates these days! Last week my C-IQ® sister and colleague Lyn Christian saw their book published (beating out Oprah in a category on Amazon!). I was quite invested…

The Stanley Effect.
Three Central Tenets, One Huge Inspiration. I’m leaning into my independence and taking creative license this month. This is one of the perks of being my own boss! Not only have I delayed…

A Shift In Attitude: Releasing The Need To Please Your Network
By always being a “Yes Person” or a “People Pleaser”, there’s one person who often gets left out in the cold: YOU! Have you ever stopped to examine the ways that saying “Yes” to your boss…

The Social Shutout: How Women Can Direct a Business Conversation Away From Sports
When delivering workshops about business networking, an inquiry that I often get from the female participants is, “What if I don’t do sports?”. In other words, since they don’t follow college or professional sports, how can these women find a small talk entry point when the

Back To Business: 6 Ways To Politely Decline When You Get Hit-On While Networking
Women of the business world: There’s a type of awkward male/female interaction in the network setting that has likely taken many of you by surprise, but rarely gets discussed with or addressed by your…

Leveraging Friendships In Business: 5 Tips For The Good-Intentioned
Warren Buffet once implied in a quote that, as a company, when you don’t consider hiring women, you’re limiting yourself to half the talent. Now, think of this in terms of business network contacts. Are you…

The Power of Authentic Networking: 4 Lessons For The Introverted
Last week I was excited and a tad anxious during lunch with my friend and colleague Cheryl Benton. Cheryl is the founder of the online magazine The Three Tomatoes….talk about the power of strategic…

One Sweet Day: The Story of A Young Student’s Transformation at a DRIVEN Event
Sometimes, there’s little I can say about DRIVEN’s events that can be more honest and directly enthusiastic than the words of an inspired attendee. The words I have in mind this time around…

Words To Live By: DRIVEN’s Best Blog Articles of 2015, Part 1
Each and every week, DRIVEN’s blog page is updated with a brand-new, relevant article, usually relating to the business perspectives encompassed within our mission to “support the health…

Embracing Good Habits Daily: The First 90 Minutes
Just as DRIVEN has been exploring key topics in business and life success, including time management and energy management, I personally have been applying these lessons to my own life as…

What Can You Bring To The Table? The Answer Is YOU
Today’s article is from guest blogger and college sophomore Katherine Nelson. Despite her young age, this political science major already has quite the scholastic and career résumé…

Networking Know-How: The Top 5 Tips to Manage Contacts
DRIVEN’s recent Network Management Workshop was another incredible event, focused on how to utilize the multiple contacts and potential life-changing individuals we meet at various events. It…

White Space Equals Headspace: Why Less Schedule Cramming Is The Key To Prosperity
What do business networking, efficient time management, and meditation have in common? Read on and discover the enlightening answer. A recent series of lessons in life and…

What if You 'Rode the Wave' of Fear Instead of Letting it Drown You?
At a recent DRIVEN Professionals event (formerly known as Women’s Advancement Compact), Cara Power of Cara Power Coaching and The Paradox of Leadership addressed Fear in…

The Currency Of Compassion: Leveraging Your Network With Perspective
Network management is like wine: The more you expose yourself to it, the more you appreciate its nuance. Once you’ve achieved a certain level of expertise (and hopefully enjoyed a few glasses…

A Great Business Development Takeaway: You Should Be Your Own Best Client!
Following the main presentation at our recent Advancement Strategy Symposium, one intuitive attendee left us with a nicely loaded “baby step” takeaway that was hidden in plain sight…

Networking Legends: A Participant's Perspective
June 12th’s Meet NYC’s Networking Legends event at Dorsey & Whitney was officially WAC’s best-attended event in the 1st half of 2014! Many of our esteemed members, as well as numerous new faces, were in the room to witness a panel discussion that…