Grow, Nurture, Manage and Leverage.
Demystifying the Elements of Networking. The veracity of the statement, “Your network is more valuable than your net worth” resonates these days! Last week my C-IQ® sister and colleague Lyn Christian saw their book published (beating out Oprah in a category on Amazon!). I was quite invested…

Achieving Emotional Equilibrium: The Ultimate Balancing Act
Looking at 2 case studies in-progress.My DRIVEN work has become exclusively focused on coaching for the coming months. Not only is this thrilling, but it’s also been fascinating to witness the patterns and themes these motivated professionals, spanning many industries…

One Thing’s For Certain, and It’s That Nothing’s For Certain!
Your Values Could Change. Here’s How to Become Comfortable With Changing Your Mind As Well. Think about the last time you made a well-informed, thoughtful decision that seemed absolutely…

Embodying the Inclusive Workplace
3 Principles For Becoming a Driven JEDI. Take a moment and bring your mind back to right after a team meeting or an event where your team ROCKED IT. It could have been an engagement or a…

At Risk: Emotional Resilience
Start by Refining Your Emotional Clarity Essentials! The virtue known as Emotional Resilience is at once becoming increasingly scarce and urgently essential as we approach winter. First, it’s time to take a…

Clarity Comes With Choices
Discover How To Connect With Your Personal Values. Are you ready to continue, with clarity, on your epic journey called life? Are you driven to make choices in your life to enhance your wellbeing each day?

Clarity Through Visualization
The disciplined and courageous act of visualization echoes James Baldwin’s words of wisdom: “If you know whence you came, there are absolutely no limitations to where you can go.” If you’ve been along…

Can You Afford To Skimp On Self-Compassion?
To Gain Perspective, The Answer Is Obvious. Clarity, as it relates to the mind, is referred to as such for a good reason. Your level of clarity can either inform your perspective or distort it. In last month’s DRIVEN…

Dear Journal,...
Gaining Clarity Through Intentional Journaling. Is your interest piqued about the concepts I blogged about last week? Did you crack open a notebook and take a crack at Journaling? If you haven’t yet…

Deeper Insights: Resources For Releasing Your Limiting Beliefs
This month, DRIVEN is asking you to let your Limiting Beliefs rise to the surface, so you can address them instead of just shutting them down and ploughing through. Last week’s blog article and…

A Symptom of Something Deeper: Releasing Your Limiting Beliefs
Here you are in the final month of learning to Release what no longer serves you, and Re-Lease your life to serve you better. At the front end of this year, as I plotted the journey, I foreshadowed rounding out…

Deeper Insights: Resources For Releasing The Need To Please Others
Throughout November 2019, DRIVEN has been pushing back against the Need to Please Others, revealing the ways in which this compulsion can actually work against you. We published four…

A Shift In Attitude: Releasing The Need To Please Your Network
By always being a “Yes Person” or a “People Pleaser”, there’s one person who often gets left out in the cold: YOU! Have you ever stopped to examine the ways that saying “Yes” to your boss…

Traversing The Double-Edged Sword: On Releasing The Need To Please Others
Throughout 2019 I’ve been using DRIVEN’s blog page to explore with you the different mindsets, attitudes and actions that professionals get caught up in, but that no longer serve them. The goal has…

Deeper Insights: Resources to Help You Kick Anxiety and Stress
Throughout August 2019, DRIVEN has been gazing into the future— the place from which Anxiety, Stress and Overwhelm keep us unproductive in the present. We published three articles and…

Break The Negativity Loop: Releasing Stress, Anxiety and Overwhelm
Throughout July, DRIVEN explored the Releasing of Emotions that keep us ruminating in the past. The antidotes to this counterintuitive state of mind are the growth mindset, learning from our…

Deeper Insights: Resources to Help You Quit Living in the Past
Throughout July 2019, DRIVEN has been glancing at the past, and uncovering how Shame, Guilt, Regret and Blame keep us held captive there. We published four articles exploring the challenges…

On The Road To Release: How To End The Blame Game
“Don’t be afraid to remind yourself that you are resourceful and resilient. With a little ingenuity, you will make progress towards managing the challenges of shame.” That was the central…

Reframe, Move On and Grow: Releasing The Past
Whereas people can clearly see the control freak in you (if any), there’s an invisible system inside your mind that others cannot detect— a realm where each of us (psychopaths excluded)…

“I’m Right, You’re Wrong”: Why We’re Resistant To Others' Ideas, Part 1
Anything new or scary in life or career tends to instill in us a fear of looking foolish or unseasoned. Sound familiar? Our natural response is resistance to the change, which is an instinctive mechanism of…