Do You “Stand Under” The Realities of Others?
3 Simple Exercises to Live in Allyship. According to an article published in October 2020 in The Atlantic, “There has never been an anti-racist majority in American history. There may be one today.”

Embodying the Inclusive Workplace
3 Principles For Becoming a Driven JEDI. Take a moment and bring your mind back to right after a team meeting or an event where your team ROCKED IT. It could have been an engagement or a…

Deeper Insights: Resources For Releasing Judgment, Assumptions & Conclusions
Throughout October 2019, DRIVEN has been avoiding the temptation to Judge, Assume and Conclude, and inspiring you to take similar steps in your life and career. We published four articles and…

Up The Ladder of Conclusions: How Curiosity Can Bring You Back to Earth
Judgments, Assumptions and Conclusions are proven to place limits on your behavior and the behavior of others. Evaluations, by contrast, are objective in their nature, deigned to reveal what “is”, since…

Mindset Shift: Why Replacing Judgment With Evaluation is Critical
Did you happen to catch yourself judging others this past week? Have you thought to yourself or said to others, “You really should…” or “He’s just being…” or “Why can’t she just do it this way”? If your answer…

Deeper Insights: Your Control Resource Links
Throughout June 2019, DRIVEN has been homing in on the nature of Control. We provided an educational webinar for participants who wanted to understand their own Controlling tendencies, and…

Are YOU a Control Freak? And Why Does It Matter?
Uncertainty is an uncomfortable state of mind. Most of us wouldn’t mind a career GPS to help us navigate past the bumps and trenches flawlessly. In fact, we prefer the straight, empty highway to the meandering, unkempt country road. And our avoidance of the latter is a testament to our desire for Control…

“It’s My Way or the Highway”: Releasing Control
Have you noticed that you’re starring in your own movie? It’s true! Each moment of your life and career, you are directing your epic, Academy Award-winning journey. But you have a special restriction that doesn’t apply to big-screen feature…

Deeper Insight: Your Resistance Resource Links
Throughout May 2019, DRIVEN has been focused on the nature of Resistance. We provided an educational webinar for the folks who were curious about the reasons they were resistant to others…

“I’m Right, You’re Wrong”: Why We’re Resistant To Others' Ideas, Part 1
Anything new or scary in life or career tends to instill in us a fear of looking foolish or unseasoned. Sound familiar? Our natural response is resistance to the change, which is an instinctive mechanism of…

The Respect You Deserve: Re-Leasing Your Emotional Energy
In my exploration of self-care, I’ve so far given you some compelling reasons to re-lease your mental and spiritual wellbeing in order to enhance your career. It’s not every day that someone suggests you work LESS hours and resist trying to be the hero by always being available to your colleagues. But these mindset…

Listening To Understand: A Socials Skills Staple Examined
The essential social skill of Listening is rarely mastered, even by those among us who pride ourselves on being great listeners. In my recent article, Chit-Chat Credentials: Sharpening Your Social Skills with Two Distinct Listening Styles, I offered what may have amounted to a wake-up call for many of us by sharing…

Chit-Chat Credentials: Sharpening Your Social Skills with Two Distinct Listening Styles
Listening is a communications staple and should be utilized more than 50% of the time during conversations. But just knowing this doesn’t seem to guarantee we’ll act on it. For example, I laughed out loud when a colleague once confessed about the way he uses his listening skills: to hear when the speaker is finished…

Put‘er There: The Social Skills Behind Our Most Common of Greetings
Since human relationships are directly tied to culture, it makes sense that refined social skills are vital for a healthy work environment. Culture dictates our sense of safety and acceptance, which directly impacts workplace productivity and engagement. In my recent article Clever Conversation: The Positive Effects…

The Power of Transparency: A Real Case Study In Workplace Trust and Betrayal, Part 2
By now, you may have read the first part of my drama-laden case study featuring Lizette, David and Richard, wherein a workplace assumption lead to a betrayal that amounted to a breach of…

When We Assume: A Real Case Study In Workplace Trust and Betrayal, Part 1
Asking questions to better understand a person’s point of view is not as simple as it sounds. It requires the discipline of keeping an open mind. It’s our reflex to project thoughts and feelings onto…

How Do YOU Show Up?: A Holistic Look at the Trust Equation, Part 2
Intraoffice trust can be grown when you acquire a baseline assessment of your coworkers’ trustworthiness, and combine it with a wide, historical lens through which to view them individually. My…

Sizing Things Up: A Holistic Look at the Trust Equation
Can you believe that you’ve been exploring Trust with me for nearly ten weeks now? My decision to scrutinize this “small word with HUGE consequences” stems from the recognition that a Culture of Trust…

Self-Orientation: Make It Your Common Denominator
In the quest to understand how trust is cultivated in today’s corporate environment, we’ve been dissecting and distilling down Maister’s Trust Equation. So far, we’ve made quite a few discoveries, not…

Setting The Corporate Example: The Importance of Building Trust Among The Home Team
From the perspective of leadership or management, the most progressive outlook you can foster is the acknowledgment that your employees are your greatest assets. Think of it: In line-item…