Are You Relishing and Maximizing Your Relationships?
3 Steps Toward Better Connection at Work and In Life. I’ve been on an “awed-venture” for the past month, fending off hedonic adaptation and looking at places, things and circumstances through a widened…

Extending The Honeymoon Period
The 3 Ways I Avoid Hedonic Adaptation. Last week I put my toe into the water by spending 2 days in NYC, thereby ending my 16-month exile to Putnam County, NY. My body’s response to this reintegration…

Far From Perfect: The Reasons Behind Your Impostor Syndrome
Part of the frustration and desperation behind perfectionism is a need to keep the magic trick going. “People think I’m smart, and accomplished, and confident. When is someone going to peek behind that curtain, yank it back and expose the real me? I know I’m not all that great. It’s ‘only me’.” Another biggie is “I got lucky…