Walking The Talk, And Stumbling
My Real-Time Experience With Neuroplasticity! I’m once again reminded that I’m DRIVEN’s best client. Over the past several months, I’ve been leading lots of DRIVEN to Wellness workshops for…

Give Yourself Some Space
Reframing Your Relationship with Stress. Stress is essential to living. Even amoebas experience stress. If you had zero stress, you would merely exist. And while “being more, doing less” is an aspiration…

They Say Hindsight is 2020. Of Course, It Is!
What Effect Has Clarity Had on You This Year? December is here. Incredible! It gives a whole new meaning to the saying, “Hindsight is 2020”. And all year, we have been investigating ways to gain greater…

As The Days Grow Darker, Light Up Your Soul!
3 Supplements to Support Your Emotional Resilience. Our recent exploration of building Emotional Resilience rewarded readers with suggestions and tips regarding their current…

Clarity During Crisis
5 Steps Toward Hope & Optimism During Pandemic Restrictions. It’s a bit eerie. I created this exploration for Clarity months ago, and its release is now correlating precisely with an international…

Clarity Through Visualization
The disciplined and courageous act of visualization echoes James Baldwin’s words of wisdom: “If you know whence you came, there are absolutely no limitations to where you can go.” If you’ve been along…

It’s January. Let’s Journal!
A brand-new decade begins a journey, which is best navigated with Clarity (my 2020 Word of the Year). What better way to provide that clarity than with documentation? As such, I’d like to clarify the…

DRIVEN’s Best Blog Articles of 2019, Part 1
Each week of the year, DRIVEN’s blog page is updated with a brand-new, relevant article relating to the business perspectives and advancement strategies encompassed within our mission to…

The Golden Road To Productivity: Start Releasing Stress!
Everyone experiences stress, even amoebas! Stress is an important emotion to feel; without it, you’re at risk of becoming a zero-energy couch potato! However, too much stress or stress over…

Social Media, FOMO and You: Begin Your Digital Detox Today!
An unfortunate paradox regarding FOMO is that while you’re engaging in one thing, and fearing what you’re missing out on elsewhere, you’re actually missing out on the thing you’re doing. In my recent article It’s All About Perspective: Making The Jump From FOMO to JOMO, I explored how taking…

It’s All About Perspective: Making The Jump From FOMO to JOMO
OMO, or Fear Of Missing Out, is easier to manage when you have a clear sense of what’s important to you– what aligns with your values, your priorities and your energy. In such an environment, you can achieve JOMO, or the Joy Of Missing Out, because you are truly where you want to be. There are, however, a couple…

Deeper Insight: Your Self-Care Resource Links
Throughout March, DRIVEN has been focused on Self-Care, providing you with a useful OfficeHours webinar on pursuing a healthful lifestyle, and various articles exploring this personal asset that even the seemingly well put-together folks in your industry may be secretly lacking. I hope you’ve taken advantage of these…

A Well-Oiled Mind, Part 2: More On Emotional Wellbeing Through Self-Compassion
Plain and simple: A functional mind equals a sharp and creative professional who’s prepared to meet the challenges of a multi-dimensional career. Such a professional is experiencing a high level of emotional wellbeing with a strategy of compassion at her core. In my recent prequel to this article, I illustrated…

Let’s Get Flexible: How To Self-Regulate by Building Your Response Flexibility
The science is out there, and to our advantage, it’s becoming more refined with each passing year. I’m referring to brain science— particularly the type that explains Emotional Intelligence and illustrates why Self-Regulation works. If you’ve read my recent article Don’t Flip Your Lid, you earned yourself a little…

Going Inward: Self-Awareness Achieved Through Meditation
With all of today’s roadblocks to self-awareness, stress included, 36% of people actually being self-aware seems like a HIGH percentage! Acknowledging this achievement, the new question becomes…

The Food Factor, Part 3: Energy & The Educated Eater
As professionals, when our physical energy and emotional resilience become compromised or depleted, we tend to have a pretty good idea of whom or what to attribute it to. Career-derived stress and…

The Food Factor, Part 2: Adjusting Your Diet Mindset
Here’s a familiar adage: “You are what you eat.” It’s been uttered so often that it became a cliché generations ago. Most of us understand its meaning on some scientific level, even those of us who are…

The Food Factor, Part 1: Your Diet = Your Resilience
It’s a clear-cut case: Exercise must supplement your other good physical energy habits if you expect to maintain grit and resilience in your life and career. In addition to keeping your weight in-check…

Your Physical Energy Keystone: Exercising Your Way To Resilience
To help you begin the ascension toward your best and most resilient self, I’ve explored with you the various tenets for maintaining good physical energy. We looked at managing our energy tanks, seeking…

Wake Up to The Facts: Understanding Sleep’s Correlation to Your Mental Energy
When I was a little girl, as part of my bedtime ritual, my father would ask me a few questions to guide me through my day in review. By holding up fingers, I could keep track of how many good things…