Come Clean With Yourself: Releasing Guilt and Regret
Much of our career potential is cut off by an invisible force. It exists in a place where shame, embarrassment, lack of confidence and a fear of failing flourish. Ironically, we have control of this force, but…

Social Media, FOMO and You: Begin Your Digital Detox Today!
An unfortunate paradox regarding FOMO is that while you’re engaging in one thing, and fearing what you’re missing out on elsewhere, you’re actually missing out on the thing you’re doing. In my recent article It’s All About Perspective: Making The Jump From FOMO to JOMO, I explored how taking…

Perfectly Human: Evading The Trap of Perfectionism
The word “perfect” is a superlative. When it’s not being used to describe the ultimate in sophisticated cocktails— the Perfect Manhattan, it translates to “second to none, ideal, flawless, impeccable, the ultimate”. As such, the word can never (another superlative) be used in reference to oneself. This is…

Gauging Your Personal Microclimate: How Bias Can Be Elusive
Men are from Mars and women are from Venus. It’s been said a million times and was written about extensively by John Gray in his 1992 book of a similar title. And if you read my recent article What Planet Are You From: Dissecting Gender-Derived Bias At Work, you’ll have a clearer understanding of how…

The Pivot Point: How To Recognize The Limits Of Grit In Your Career
It’s been 6 weeks of thorough Grit exploration, and I’m feeling aligned and focused on my goals and excited to be taking calculated steps towards them. I hope you’ve been inspired to do the same, and are…

Is Your Grit Legit? The Importance Of Aligning Your Career Goals With Your Values
Some of us are born with Grit. As for the rest of us, we have to gain some Grit along our journey. But for all of us, there stands a roadblock to acquiring and maintaining Grit, and ultimately, to achieving the…

Deeply-Rooted and Well-Balanced: Meet Winemaking Superwoman Luisa Ponzi!
Having an accountant as a father, I can remember when I was a young girl looking forward to April 16th. That's when ‘busy season’ was finally over and Daddy would no longer be working late at night and on…

Embracing The “M” Word: 7 Surprise Facts About The Nature of Menopause
With DRIVEN’s Energy Workshop Series in progress, I thought it time to revisit an energy-related webinar of ours from the autumn of ’15. The theme? Menopause. The following are the surprising facts we…

The Power Of The Pivot: How One Professional-Turned-Mother Kept Her Career Momentum
Often, we women get caught so deep in the trenches of keeping up with our lives that we don’t realize we’re capable of changing our circumstances to better manage our lives. We fear that changing…

Financial “Tough Talks” Uncover A New Personal Hazard: Energy Depletion
IMG_2050A healthy turnout of more than 70 attendees served to highlight the urgency of last month’s community event topic: Tough Talks. These folks gathered at the offices of Morgan Stanley in…

Splitsville Simplified: What To Expect When You’re Expecting To Divorce
The divorce process takes time, patience, and expertise. If you are considering divorcing your spouse, your first step should be to consult with an attorney who is skilled in family law. By listening to your…

My Lunch With Mandeep: A Glimpse Into The Mind Of An Emotional Superhero
In July of 2015, I had lunch with an admired colleague at Vitae on E 46th Street. Mandeep Trivedi, a leader in valuation and forensic services at Citrin Cooperman and member of the Savvy Ladies…

Satellite Strategies, Part 2: Progressive Ideas On The Future Of The Workplace
Many companies have noticed that keeping workers in the professional services workforce (particularly women) is becoming even more of a challenge as of late. Besides being expected to…

Time Is On Our Side: How One DRIVEN Event Changed The Lives Of Many
DRIVEN’s September 28th live discussion on Time Management with Laura Vanderkam was another rich and powerful session with profound benefits to everyone in attendance. The predetermined…

Think Of Laura, Part 2: A Positive Look At Personal Time & Energy Management
Last week I discussed the dynamics of time and energy management through the lens of career, exploring the topics of prioritizing, making the best of appointment cancellations, and…

Career Roadblocks: Professional Women Can Break Down Their Barriers
Take a moment to think about this: “Be Kind, for, Everyone You Meet is Fighting a Great Personal Battle”. This wise outlook was communicated to me ten years ago, and I’ve been attempting to…

Response, Not Reaction: Overseeing The Conversion of Fear to Trust
The Old Outlook: You can prepare, and prepare, and prepare, and then hopefully mitigate problems as they occur. The New Outlook: You can prepare, but you have the wisdom and the life experience…

Bottom Line, or Bottom Out? Finding New Momentum For Leadership Gender Parity
Those of us who are tuned-in to the business bottom line sabotage connected to gender inequality in the workplace have certainly read the related articles and even memorized the statistics. We know…

Christmas Uncorked: WAC’s Holiday Wine Roundup
Whether you’re hosting Christmas dinner, or attending a holiday party this year, deciding which wines to serve or bring as a gift can add stress to an already dizzying list of seasonal tasks. With a…

Them Ol’ Sunday Blues: Overcoming Your Dread of the Week Ahead
website picToday’s guest blogger Dr Stacey Lessans has some optimistic insight on that one night of the week that seems a bit darker than the others for many of us: Sunday. Read on to learn her…