Social Media, FOMO and You: Begin Your Digital Detox Today!
An unfortunate paradox regarding FOMO is that while you’re engaging in one thing, and fearing what you’re missing out on elsewhere, you’re actually missing out on the thing you’re doing. In my recent article It’s All About Perspective: Making The Jump From FOMO to JOMO, I explored how taking…

Snap Out of It!: How Being In-Trance Can Distort Our Social Skills
Because I’m an advocate of full transparency, I must make a confession: I felt a bit like Captain Obvious this month, using the DRIVEN blog to detail the importance of our culturally-embedded social skills….you know, those interactions of professionalism that stand as a “given” in any arena. And yet…

But Now, I See: How Revealing Your Blind Spots Can Heighten Your Self-Awareness
With so many layers to self-awareness, it sometimes seems unreasonable to expect ourselves to practice this EQ virtue with any level of refinement. For instance, if you read my recent article Life…

Life Is Like A Wave On The Sand: Using Self-Awareness To Live In The Present
If you’ve been dabbling lately in refining your self-awareness in both your career and your personal life, you’ve taken one of the most important measures for acquiring emotional intelligence. I hope…

Tenacity and Your Goals: Directing Your Own Brain Chemistry Toward Success
Acquiring Tenacity through the lens of Self-Awareness is, as I mentioned in my recent article The Glory of Grit, a prime asset for any business professional. The trick is getting yourself there— a journey…

True Grit: Unpacking The G in GRACE
It’s a brand-new year. And as promised, our exploration of GRACE in the WorkplaceTM will continue to be the focus. But before we move forward with that exploration, take a moment to reflect on my 2017…

Chase Two Rabbits, Catch Neither: Mental Resilience & The Myth of Multi-Tasking
It’s become a 21st century buzz word for the ambitious, and as such, has been taken seriously as a productivity enhancer by professionals in all lines of business. For some managers, it is expected from their…

Mental Resilience Under Fire: Tackling The Challenge of Workplace Interruption
It’s become a 21st century buzz word for the ambitious, and as such, has been taken seriously as a productivity enhancer by professionals in all lines of business. For some managers, it is expected from their…

Getting Engaged: How Being Mindful of the Present Can Transform Your Career
Over the first quarter of 2017, you may have picked up on the fact that working in a trust-deficient environment creates a certain social toxicity which places the amygdala on high alert. When this…

Urgent and Unimportant: Surmounting The Tasks That Impede Your Real Work
Getting trapped in the career mindset of “busy work” is something that we professionals are all too familiar with. Frequent workplace interruptions come to mind as the mechanism for steering us…

Days of Distraction, Part 2: A True Case Study In Corporate Stress-Relief
A high level of productivity in the workplace environment is a magical state of affairs. It sets the stage for the corporate utopia that all companies aspire to arrive at, and is the driving force behind…

Out With The Old: 5 Reasons to Transcend The “Billable Hours” Business Model
To ease you into the topic of billable hours, or more importantly, to the reasons your firm should begin to embrace the alternatives, I recently laid out the drawbacks of sticking with this obsolete approach to…

Something’s Gotta Give: My Initiative For Fragrance-Neutral Dining
The restaurant business. I know it well, from both sides of the table. I’ve done my share of dining out, for business and for sport. I’ve proudly been part of the wait staff at several of NYC’s most elite…

Breaking The Email Trance: Embrace The Out-Of-Office Message
Can you believe that people spend up to 50% of their time digging their way out from under a perpetually swollen inbox? Wait, you do too? Don’t be ashamed of being a statistic; I used to be right there…

Feet Flat, Hands On Lap, Inhale: Exploring Meditation With An Expert
When we consider our New Yorker lifestyles….the fast pace, the layers of noise, and our on-the-go careers, how are we to STOP, breathe and reflect? For that matter, what incentive do we even…

The Meaning Of Busy: How Many Hours Do You Truly Work?
Last month, half-a-dozen lucky DRIVEN Professional women joined me in attending an intimate dinner event with one of my favorite authors, Laura Vanderkam. Laura is a productivity expert and…

Finding Focus: An Entrepreneur’s Tips on Smoothing Out a Rough Start
At the conclusion of WAC’s community events, participants are asked to volunteer their feedback about what they’ve learned from the presentation. This takes the form of “Baby Steps” that they plan…

My 2015 Word of the Year is….Focus!
Self-Compassion. It was my 2014 Word of the Year, and it was timely. It had been the necessary prescription to get me through the infancy of my new business and the community that formed…

Satellite Strategies: Tips on Working from Home Productively
Is the modern workplace outdated? Well, consider that in the 21st century more business is done in a global economy, shattering the old 9 to 5 workday model. Factor in the increasing time and expense…

Watch it, You Jerk!: Overcoming the Deep-Seated Anger of Road Rage
If you have met me, you’ve probably concluded that I’m an outwardly happy person. You’d say that Anger and Deborah just don’t seem to belong in the same sentence, and I would agree. That’s likely…