In All Uncertain Terms.
Here are three practices to embed into your day to help you maintain Emotional Equilibrium.

Expanding On Empathy: Why Bias Is Part of Your “Terroir”
Practicing Empathy is difficult because each of us experiences our own reality. This often reduces empathy to a nice-to-have, when in actuality, for a sustainable workplace where inclusion is built into the culture, empathy is a need-to-have. In my recent article I Feel Your Pain: An Empathetic How-To For…

The End Of Assumption: How Genuine Curiosity Can Affect Bias
Building a culture of workplace trust can start with YOU. Yes, you have the ability to leverage your newly-acknowledged Unconscious Bias to build stronger relationships on your team…

Is It In My Head?: Implicit Bias And The Challenge To Connect
Because of our individual life experiences, each of us has subconsciously constructed our own unique vision of the world. Whether positive, negative, or a bit of both, this outlook has…

I Once Was Blind: 3 Ways That Unconscious Bias Can Be An Eye-Opener
Ah, the deceptive blind spot. Each of us is plagued by a few, which serve as big barriers to clear communications and a workplace culture of trust. That is, unless we actively arrange for those blind…